Narcissus And Goldmund (2020) Die besten Filme
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First Released 1930 (equated from the German by Leila Vennewitz, released by Peter Owen, London). Who was Hermann Hesse? He was born in Germany in 1877 and he died in 1963. He was a seminarist, thinker, intellectual, drinker, cigarette smoker, gambler, poet, painter and pacifist (narcissus and goldmund book). Above all, he was a candidate.
He got the Nobel Reward for literature in 1945. A great deal of Hesse's life has gone into this book. At the age of 15 he was sent out to Maulbronn seminary to complete his education, but he fled after his unsuccessful suicide attempt. The story opens with a vivid description of the entryway to Mariabronn monastery, an imaginary representation of his own Maulbronn, just very finely disguised.
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Goldmund is the favourite student of the monk and scholar Narcissus. However Goldmund is not the scholastic type, he is enthusiastic, sensual and creative. He finds this side of himself, when, with other boys, he creeps out of the abbey in the night to discover town girls. He is obsessed by one in specific, and awakened to the possibilities used by the outside world, he leaves the abbey to search for.what?he isn't sure.

However he gets himself into deep trouble and is sentenced to death. However, he is lastly rescued, forgiven and fixed up by Narcissus. We see how his character develops through education and experience, and we find out something of forgiveness and despair. The proposer discussed that he initially checked out the book in the sixties, a time when young people were looking for meaning and understanding in their lives, and relying on dope, mysticism and psychedelic music.
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Likewise the 1920s, a duration that might have formed the young Hesse, was a time of decadence, promiscuity and jazz. The world may be rather different now, but the book is still an excellent read and has broad appeal. narcissus and goldmund. There are a number of styles. The dichotomy between artist and thinker, described as Dionysian versus Apollonian after the names of the two kids of Zeus, is a central style in this book and in other German literature, significantly connected to Nietzsche's The Birth of Tragedy.
Goldmund never ever understood his mom, but we discover she was a dancer (a mother to be ashamed of, he is led to think) and yet he seems to have a supernatural understanding of her, and craves for her, possibly since he believes he has actually acquired her artistic qualities. Does she represent the Eve mom, part of the everlasting story of the tortuous passage from birth to death? Much of the book has to do with Goldmund's relationships with ladies, and the method his females are both a happiness and a motivation for terrific works of art, for instance his sculpture, the Lydia-Madonna.
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' he found out a number of the arts and methods of love, and taken in the experiences of lots of lovers, discovering to see, feel, touch and smell ladies in all their diversity" to be driven from one woman to the next so he might find out, and practice, ever more subtly in ever higher variety and depth, the abilities of understanding and identifying'.
At this point our proposer fondly recalled the typical trainee party of the early 1970s, and a conversation took place about when the swinging sixties started and ended, and what we all check out and got up to in those heady days, and what we have actually become now. Yes, every one people has a bit of Goldmund inside.
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There comes a time when he fails to score with women. They still find him amusing business, but his hair is going grey and they don't want him anymore. Oh dear, this part was a bit too close to the bone for most of us! Death is another theme.
We were advised by one of our group that 40-60% of the population of Europe passed away. And we have a lot of murder in this book; in fact, Goldmund himself murders two times, and there are lots of reflections on death: 'the world has plenty of death, crouching on every fence, guaranteeing every tree, and it is useless for you to develop walls and dorms and chapels and churches.